Eesti, Tallinn
... gain foreign customers' interest. We help businesses to find partners in retail and corporate sectors (B2B and B2C); we also help to establish beneficial relationships with professional communities so that our clients could obtain and develop contacts within the scope of their business interests. Our key focus is to provide consulting services to companies willing to enter European and other foreign markets. Our core competence is to make your business go global! Grand Gector offers flexible pricing and delivers personalized engagement to every client.
Portfell (6)
Eesti, Jüri
...-consuming projects. Full service/complex service saves you time and money! Special transport is a well-executed chain of different actions. The additional work involved with special transport can be several times as time-consuming as the performance itself. The loading schemes, selection of equipment, route, loading, transport permits etc. must form a consistent whole. Our experience allows us to choose the correct methods and necessary procedures so that your risks are minimized, loads are delivered, and the contracts are fulfilled on time.
... ausgezeichnet zwei Plus X Awards: 1. Bestes Produkt und 2. für Innovation, Qualität und Funktionalität. Der Airvenue® wäscht wie der Regen in der freien Natur die Schadstoffe aus der Luft. Nachdem die verschmutzte Raumluft angesaugt wurde, werden Staub, Schwebepartikel und Schmutz im Wasser gebunden. Anschließend wird die so gereinigte Luft zurück in den Raum gegeben. 2018 wurde der Airvenue® mit den Plus X und den German Brand Award ausgezeichnet. Mehr erfahren unter
Navigate on the go Indoor navigation has never been so fast and simple. 3D Wayfinder kiosk and mobile software includes all the basic functions - maps, positioning, search, analytics tools and advertising modules to earn your investment back and make profit. The software automatically detects the user`s outdoor and indoor location and helps to find the best route to the destination. It is a...
Portfell (2)
Eesti, Tallinn
...Linette is an Estonian enterprise with 77 years of history during which it has reached the premium quality both in design and production.The result is lingerie that is softly caressing the body of a woman by adjusting to her shape. Alluring looking pieces are creating a contact so comfortable and caring boosting the confidence of the owner in all ages and sizes. The product range has models for both classical and up-to-date trendy taste. The fancy favorites of today are easily found in fresh and fast changing collections. Instagram - linettelingerie...
Eesti, Tallinn
... and also exciting trips I made a painting camps and activities. Creations By doing so, we get the answers to your questions, which we enditki often surprising. Themselves through the color options are li...
Eesti, Tallinn
... design and layout work we always think about the special nature of a design in terms of the printing technology we will need for the final result so as to ensure the highest possible quality. We are seeking partners in advertising agencies, production companies and other businesses who use printing products and who need a graphic design service. We are also willing to negotiate with agencies who are interested in aligning their skills, knowledge and experience with ours. ...
Eesti, Tartu
We are a firm that specializes in helping businesses and companies through the offering of 3D Visualization services. By creating high-quality 3D-visualization we can help you to create a good presentation of your project so that you can present it to the customer with a positive light and get the desired result.• 3D modeling and 3D visualization of the interior and exterior of any complexity for...
Eesti, Maardu
...Geography of loads being forwarded: from USA and China to Israel and Middle-East. We are forwarding loads from Sweden and Finland to Russia, Ukraine and Belarus for many years. Straight loads forwarding to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Direct contacts with many transporters and linear agents. Long-standing relations with the number of warehouses of Muuga’s free zone. We base in Muuga near customs office itself and port as well. We know our job very well, so if you need any help – appear to us!
Eesti, Käina
AS DAGÖPLAST is Estonian polyethylene film manufacturer located on the island of Hiiumaa. AS Dagöplast is founded in 1998 and has become one of the leading film manufacturer in baltic countries. Company mainly produces garbage bags, film, aprons, cable protection ribbons, pipes, and biodegradable bags. We also deal with the waste film recycling. We produce our products according to our clients wishes, so you can to order custom made products from us. The company has ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certificates.
Eesti, Viljandi
...Our Services: Logo for Textiles, Logo for Promotional Products, Logo for Branded Products Think of us as an extension of our brand team, We delve not only into your company, but also into the surrounding culture, so that we can offer the best possible products that our customers love. We've Refined Our Process To Become The Industry's Leading Custom Merchant That Eagerly Guides You To Look Like A...
Eesti, Tallinn
... range of uniquely Estonian designs which reflect the rich, vibrant nature of our beautiful country.Whatever your connection with Estonia – whether through heritage, family, friends or simply an interest in this warm and welcoming culture - Estowear is the brand for you. We are passionate about our native land and want to share this passion in a form that is creative, expressive and accessible to all. So we invite you to browse the Estowear collection - www.estowear.comDescriptionApparel, Headwear, Homewear and Accessories...
Eesti, Võru
Polarson is an Estonian company producing firewood and wood briquette. Our modern production facility enables to ensure high quality for our products. Firewood is packed either in mesh bags or stacked on pallets. Briquettes are packed in 10kg standard packages. Our products are mainly targeted for household use, so they can be well sold through retail chains and local direct distributors.
Eesti, Tallinn
... stating the research task so that the research results yield the highest possible return to our clients. Depending on the clients needs a research of any size can be carried out; from one person interview to a nationwide survey.
We hand pick best IT experts in Ukraine and combine it with our knowledge in IT project management, online marketing and web user experience consulting so that our customers receive the bets services in this dynamically changing and complex market. We guarantee that industry leading experts will be working on your projects and deliver top quality results. Our services will provide your business with a competitive advantage over your competitors in the domain of the information technology.
...Münt is a plastic-free way to brush your teeth. We believe that taking care of your teeth has to be good for both the planet and your health, therefore Münt's dental tablets are made with high quality natural raw materials. With Münt's subscription, you'll get a glass jar, and after 3 months of using Münt, you'll get a refill in a disposable paper package right in your mailbox, so that you could refill the glass jar.
Eesti, Tallinn
...My shop opened in 2011 and since then I have learnt so much and am constantly renewing my designs. From a small box of handmade jewelry I have grown to a full closet now and I have stones and crystals all over. I like sterling silver, because I myself don't like wearing silver plated or copper and brass jewelry... It always gives me a bad skin reaction.One of my favorite collections is the...
Eesti, Ulila
We offer wooden stairs into your home. Quality is good and so are the prices. Check out our website for more.
Prantsusmaa, La Ciotat
So Mochi grupp, brändiga Mochiri. Asutatud 2017. aastal La Ciotatis, Julien Biondo ja Jonathan Stioui poolt, teenib SO MOCHI grupp oma legitiimsuse Jaapani köögi seas brändi MOCHIRI kaudu, et mõne aastaga saada selle Jaapani maiuse, Mochi Glacé, referendiks. Nende ühine kirg gastronoomia ja reiside vastu viib nad oma teadmiste arendamiseni Päikese Tõusva Maa, Jaapanis. Nende omandatud oskused...
Portfell (10)
Ühendkuningriik, Nottingham
... romantilistest sihtkohtadest ja klassikalisest stiilist kaasaegse pöördega, kuid kõige tähtsam on, et see bränd on juhitud kaastundest. So Long Marianne kandmine on ilu, armu ja elegantsi avaldus. Brändil on süda ja hing; see on tõeliselt kaastunde täis mood oma parimas vormis.
...vaid ka ületatud. Agentuur tegutseb globaalses mastaabis, andekate meeskondadega, kes asuvad Ühendkuningriigis, Dubais ja Indias, pakkudes võrreldamatut võimekust, paindlikkust ja tehnilist ekspertiisi. So-Creative'i sujuvad ja kulutõhusad protsessid võimaldavad neil pakkuda kohandatud digitaalseid lahendusi, mis parandavad veebipõhist kohalolekut, edendavad äri kasvu ja loovad võimsaid digitaalseid varasid. Nende pühendumine loovusele ja koostööle on teinud neist usaldusväärse partneri ettevõtetele, kes otsivad edasijõudnud veebiarendust, tarkvaralahendusi ja digitaalset innovatsiooni.
Belgia, Chaumont-Gistoux
So'Bake It on gluteenivaba ja sertifitseeritud orgaaniline pagaritöökoda! Meie tooted on valmistatud ainult gluteenivabadest jahudest: ei maisi, ei soja, ... So'Bake It tähendab ka tervisliku ja maitsva valmistamist! Kõike seda kvaliteedi ja meie toodete päritolu austades. Kutsume teid avastama meie laia valikut vegan küpsetisi (ilma munade, piima ja võita), meie maitsvaid kohandatud sünnipäevakoo...
Belgia, Bierges
... kliente, et nad saaksid turustada Liège vahvlit optimaalselt professionaalse lähenemise kaudu, on võimaldanud meil saavutada nende ühtse ja püsiva usalduse. SO GOOD pakub oma klientidele oma kogemust nii säilitamise, rakendamise kui ka sobiva küpsetusmaterjali valiku osas, et saavutada autentse Liège vahvli ainulaadne maitse ja välimus!
Saksamaa, Weener
...{"Dazu gehören genauso Schneidanlagen für die Herstellung von Dichtungselementen wie auch reine Prüfanlagen.":"Selle alla kuuluvad nii lõikeseadmed tihendielementide tootmiseks kui ka puhtad kontrollseadmed.","So haben wir einen sehr großen Teil der weltweit eingesetzten Automation zum Verschweißen von Halbkugeln aus Kunststoff entwickelt und gebaut.":"Oleme arendanud ja ehitanud suure osa...
Prantsusmaa, Ares
... oma vastuvõttu igas toas kodus või kontoris. Innovatsiooni keskmes on Oléophore kontseptsioon, mis tuleneb TAKAYAKA loomingulisest vaimust. (it's easy to do it, so do it). Need lihtsad vormid, mille on loonud ja kujundanud bränd, võimaldavad hallata lõhnade levimise tempot. Parfüümide valik, mis on suunatud 16 õigele nootidele nagu lõhnade klaver, pakub laia valikut lõõgastust, värskendust ja rahu...
Portfell (50)
Saksamaa, Melle Partner für Ventilatoren & Lüftungstechnik Komponenten I Engineering I Montage & Wartung Als mittelständisches Unternehmen mit europaweiter Fertigung haben wir uns auf die Anforderungen im Bereich der Industrietechnik spezialisiert. So ist es uns möglich, Anlagenbauern und Geräteherstellern, sowie allen Anwendern im Bereich der Luft- und Klimatechnik ein umfangreiches Produkt- und...
... mit einer CNC-Koordinatenmessmaschine. Unser Qualitätsmanagementsystem ist nach DIN/ISO 9001/2000 zertifiziert. Durch unsere vielfältige, am Blech ausgerichtete Fertigungstechnik und das hohe Wissen unserer Mitarbeiter, sind wir für Problemlösungen bekannt geworden. So fertigen wir heute einbaufähige Komponenten u. a. für den Schienen- und Sonderfahrzeugbau, Ladenbau, Energie- und Militärtechnik...
Portfell (5)
Itaalia, Milan
... nutitelefonide tarvikuid ja väikeseid kodumasinaid isiklikuks hoolduseks. Meie parimad müügiartiklid on näiteks kaablid, laadijad, nutitelefoni hoidjad, juukselõikurid, habemeajajad, föönid ja palju muud. Me areneme pidevalt, et laiendada oma toote- ja kategooriate valikut.","Although, we are so proud of our success, the latter is above all a motivation that leads us to continually improve and to offer...
Portfell (6)
Saksamaa, München
... lõikeplotter, mis töötab sarnaselt portaalfreespinkile, suudab freespida mõõtmeid kuni 3x2 m.","So werden z.B. Türen, Blenden, Fenster auf dieser Maschine gefertigt.":"Näiteks valmistatakse sellel masinal uksi, katteid ja aknaid."}...

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